There is a possibility to write custom programs to execute filters. Some scripts come with the installation:
Here is a list of scripts currently shipped within the Viewer distribution:
Group | Name | Description | File name |
Standard | Aged Photo - Black and White | Creates image looking like aged photo | photo_aged_bw.dsc |
Standard | Aged Photo | Creates image looking like aged photo | photo_aged.dsc |
Standard | Auto rotate by EXIF (script for pre-processing) | Auto rotate by EXIF (script for pre-processing) | rotate_auto_by_EXIF.dsc |
Standard | Digital Photo Auto Adjustment | Adjust digital camera image | photo_adjust.dsc |
Standard | Painting Oil-Color | Produce oil-paint effect | painting_oil-color.dsc |
Standard | Painting pastel-color | Produce pastel-color effect | painting_pastel-color.dsc |
Standard | Painting water-color | Produce water-color effect | painting_water-color.dsc |
Standard | Pencil Black | Artistic Black Pencil | pencil_black.dsc |
Standard | Pencil Color | Artistic Color Pencil | pencil_color.dsc |
Standard | Photoshop - Open At | Open currently viewed image in Photoshop | |
Standard | Photoshop - Copy From | Copy current image from Photoshop | photoshop-copy_from.dsc |
Standard | Photoshop - Copy To | Copy currently viewed image to Photoshop | photoshop-copy_to.dsc |
Standard | Rotate image 180 deg | Rotate image 180 deg | rotate_180deg.dsc |
Standard | Thumbnail sharp 100 pixels | Create sharp thumbnail to fit into 100x100 pixels | thumbnail_sharp_100pixels.dsc |
Standard | Thumbnail sharp 250 pixels | Create sharp thumbnail to fit into 250x250 pixels | thumbnail_sharp_250pixels.dsc |
Standard | Thumbnail smooth 100 pixels | Create smooth thumbnail to fit into 100x100 pixels | thumbnail_smooth_100pixels.dsc |
Standard | Thumbnail smooth 250 pixels | Create smooth thumbnail to fit into 250x250 pixels | thumbnail_smooth_250pixels.dsc |
Standard | Thumbnail with shadow 100 pixels | Create smooth thumbnail to fit into 250x250 pixels | thumbnail_shadow_100pixels.dsc |
Standard | Thumbnail with shadow 250 pixels | Create smooth thumbnail to fit into 250x250 pixels | thumbnail_shadow_250pixels.dsc |