Click on the window parts to get detailed description:
The following visual controls are provided in this window:
[1] Info - Shows summary information about the image.
[2] EXIF - Shows EXIF* information stored in JPEG or TIFF files.
[3] IPTC - Shows and edits IPTC* information stored in JPEG or TIFF files. Once you edited or wrote some fields press "Write IPTC tags" button to store entered information into the file. In order to easy view all available IPTC fields from the file point into the paper button in the right top corner of the IPTC page.
[4] Metadata - Shows metadata returned by image format, it might be GeoTiff fields, Fluoview information or anything else returned by format.
[5] Stat - Image statistics. Here you can obtain mean, standard deviation, min, max, unique colors or view histogram.