DIMIN / Software / HTMLDirCreate
DIMIN HTMLDirCreate > Scheme SDK HTMLDirCreate is very powerful and customizable and if you like to program you may unleash it's power. If you want to make something particular, you may create your very own scheme and use it for your particular gallery. Follow directions in this document to create custom schemes. Inside SDK file you can find example schemes, this document and installation script for NullSoft NSIS installer program. This script will generate executable that will automatically install schemes form "schemes" folder. Version: 1.0 » HTMLDirCreateSDK.zip [117.3 KB] |
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Scheme Structure: Each scheme is stored in a separate directory preferably under "schemes" folder in installation directory. Each scheme should consists of these files:
scheme HTML files: Schemes are presented in files from directories inside "schemes" directory, any of these consists of: HTML_BEGIN.html - This will be parsed then the file is created, in this moment just %n variable contains Directory Name HTML_END.html - This will be parsed in the end DIR_STEP.html - This will be added several times according to a number of parent directories in a place of %r variable (it is usable in DIR_BEGIN). DIR._BEGIN.html - This will be parsed then the directory is found. This will set all variables for the current directory. DIR_END.html - This will be parsed then the directory is over FILE_BLOCK_BEGIN.html - This will be parsed then the first file inside directory is found FILE_BLOCK_END.html - This will be parsed then no more file inside directory is found FILE_STEP.html - This will be added several times according to a number of parent directories in a place of %a variable (it is usable in FILE_INSERT). FILE_INSERT.html - This will be parsed then the file inside directory is found. This will set all variables for the current file. PERIODICAL.html - This file is added periodically with a period defined in Periodical Call in menu. i.e. it'll be added each period of files. In new directory period is initiated. Keep file empty if you don't need it. PER_FILE.html - This file is used to create HTML files for each file processed, for example this could be useful to create image gallery with one thumbnail page and then each image opened in proper page with next and prev controls. NEW_INDEX.html - This file is only used if scheme option "NewIndexFile" is defined in scheme configuration file "scheme.dsc". It generates an alternative index HTML parsing NEW_INDEX.html. For example, you want to create multi form index and one of the forms will be generated index file, so you set-up an alternative index which calls original index file. The use of this techniques can be seen in scheme "LeftStripGalleryBlack". You may edit scheme HTML files to produce the result you want. Inside these HTML files you may put some variables that will be parsed by program: %% - Just return "%" %n - Return file/directory name %h - Return file/directory path&name relative to source directory %c - Return short file name (with no extension) %e - Return the file extension %a - Return a contents of FILE_STEP.html %r - Return a contents of DIR_STEP.html %u - Return a number of parent directories %p - Return path relative to source directory (UNIX standard) [NOT Include trailing backslash] %l - Return path relative to target directory (UNIX standard) [Include trailing backslash] %f - Return full path (WIN standard) [Include trailing backslash] %s - Return file size in bytes %k - Return file size in Kbytes with 2 digits after the decimal point, something like 100.56 %m - Return file size in Mbytes with 2 digits after the decimal point %i - Return a contents of a file with the same name and extension chosen in configuration (Info File Extension) def.: .nfo %d - Return file/directory date %t - Return file/directory time %x - Time at the moment of HTML creation %y - Date at the moment of HTML creation %z - This will resize the file if it is image (BMP, GIF or JPEG) and save it modifying termination with Thumbnail Ident into the same dir with HTML file. This permits you to create image gallery with small thumbnails automatically. This variable return resized file name. If the Thumbnail Width or Height is -1 then it will be resized maintaining aspect ratio. If Maintain Aspect Ratio selected then image is fitted into width/size %b - Return main index page file name, for per file pages [only name, no path] %v - Return previous file name, for per file pages [only name, no path] %w - Return next file name, for per file pages [only name, no path] %{ - Return previous short file name, same as %v with no extension [only name, no path] %} - Return next short file name, same as %w with no extension [only name, no path] %[ - Return previous thumbnail file name, same as %v with thumb indent [only name, no path] %] - Return next thumbnail file name, same as %w with thumb indent [only name, no path] %1 - Return first file name [no path] %0 - Return last file name [no path] %2 - Return first file short name, same as %1 with no extension [only name, no path] %3 - Return last file short name, same as %0 with no extension [only name, no path] %g - Return current image file (if file is) width in pixels %j - Return current image file (if file is) height in pixels %- - This is special command, everything after this command will be removed if there's no previous file, i.e. first file is processed, until again same command %-. This is useful for per file pages to create next, prev navigation so prev would not appear if the file is the first one. Only works on same line!!! %+ - This is special command, everything after this command will be removed if there's no next file, i.e. last file is processed, until again same command %+. This is useful for per file pages to create next, prev navigation so next would not appear if the file is the first one. Only works on same line!!! Configuration ->Thumbnails->Ident The addition to image file name for resized image.Configuration ->Thumbnails->Width/Height Size of resized image if Maintain Aspect Ratio selected then specify maximal boundaries. You may put -1 to maintain aspect ratio in relation to another side.Configuration ->Thumbnails->Resize Images Define that image files wouldn't be processed to resize so just HTML'll be created, this is useful if you already resized them and just modifying scheme.Configuration ->HTML per File This will enable creation of html file for each processed file using PER_FILE.html pattern. Use this to create per file pages to create next, prev navigation add info etc. There's an example of Image Gallery using this option: ThumbGallery. |
DIMIN / Software / HTMLDirCreate
Copyright © 2004 by Dmitry V. Fedorov Levit |