Tools for personal use that might be of interest for all. Most of these come with source code and consequently distributed over GNU GPL terms. So, send me your modifications if any, please!
Main titles of free software for all.
Stuff I've done at the university for research.
Some small and fun applications.
Libraries and codes for fellow developers.

BioImage Convert

This open source application is a command line image conversion utility. It can read and write many image formats, extract ROI and meta-data stored in images. Accepted image formats are: BioRad PIC, TIFF, Metamorph STK (uncompressed and LZW compressed), Fluoview TIFF, Carl Zeiss LSM 5, PSIA TIFF, Nanoscope II/III, JPEG, PNG, BMP, IBW, OME, RAW and video: QuickTime, AVI, MPEG1/2/4, Flash, etc.

Source and distribution include Matlab interface for bioimage convert library (Linux/Mac/Windows), that allows to read multiple pages and metadata.

BioImage Convert was developed under the aegis of The Center for Bio-Image Informatics, UCSB.

Free binaries are available for windows (x86/x64), Mac (Intel) and linux (x86/x64). more...

GeoJasPer transcoder

GeoJasper is a free and open source geo supporting command line transcoder between GeoJPEG2000, GeoTIFF and other formats. i.e. Converts image data from one format to another correctly transferring geo information between GeoTiff and GeoJpeg2000.

GeoJapser is an extension of the JasPer library and follows it's respective licence.

Free binaries available for windows (32/x64), mac (ibm/intel), linux and solaris (sparc). more...

Folder As Text

An extension for windows shell, includes new option for right mouse button click on file or folder to simply copy the file/folder name into clipboard. Awarded by Softpedia 100% Clean Award.
Source: Delphi and NSIS installer file.
Windows compatibility: 95/98/ME/2k/XP/Vista/7 x86/x64

»  folderAsText.exe  [161.05 KB]

Bash Here

An extension for windows shell and cygwin to rapidly start Bash in the currently selected folder. You can also create your own links to start bash in any directory by giving path to cygwin2.bat. It is compatible with Cygwin 1.6 and 1.7 under x86 as well as x64. Last update: 2009-12-22.
Source: NSIS installer file
Windows compatibility: 95/98/ME/2k/XP/Vista/7 x86/x64

»  bashHere.exe  [69 KB]

»  bash_here_source.zip Source  [1.6 KB]

Command Prompt Here

An extension for windows shell to rapidly start Command Prompt in the currently selected folder. Last update: 2009-12-23.
Source: NSIS installer file
Windows compatibility: 95/98/ME/2k/XP/Vista/7 x86/x64

»  promptHere.exe  [69 KB]

»  prompt_here_install.zip Source  [1.6 KB]

irTools is a group of tools developed in 2000-2001 for use with remote controllers like IR controllers bundled with TV tuner boards, currently quite outdated by commercial software like Windows Media Center Edition™.

irTools: irCommander

Explorer like program to be used with remote controllers, contain configurable menus and media types. Currently under development and tests. Awarded by Softpedia 100% Clean Award.

»  irCommander.exe  [212.01 KB]

irTools: Shutdown countdown

Name speaks to itself, it's small and simple application to shut your machine down by time countdown. Respects all standard ways of putting machine to sleep. Awarded by Softpedia 100% Clean Award.

»  shutdown.exe  [172.74 KB]

irTools: OSD - On Screen Display

This small app shows custom messages on the screen. It contains two embedded modes to show volume and time, check out screen-shot provided. Awarded by Softpedia 100% Clean Award.

»  osd.exe  [202.61 KB]

irTools: Block APM & Screen Saver

If your preferred program to watch TV, movies or whatever can't block APM or/and screen saver just run this tiny utility. It will stay in the system tray and block them all while running, close it and you have your screen saver and APM back again! Awarded by Softpedia 100% Clean Award.

»  blockAPM_SCR.exe  [156.50 KB]

Delphi String Processor

Object Pascal / Delphi string processor. The program process source code and/or DFM and declare all strings as variables or constants or creates INI file.

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